Looking for MORE strategy ideas?

Discover, code, test and verify thousands of strategies in minutes, using Adaptrade Builder.

Now with a $100 (10%) discount.

Sooner or later every trader gets to a point where he just runs out of trading ideas to test, or most of his strategies are created using the same approach.

If you want low-correlated strategies to diversify your portfolio, or strategies that are different to anything you may already have, there are a few options:

Scour the internet for ideas that most likely won’t work or have been so overused they no longer contain an edge,
Buy some black box strategy and trust it blindly, hoping the creator isn’t taking you for a ride to make a quick buck (honestly, who really wants to put their hard-earned money on the line with something they don’t know or understand?)
Exchange your own trading strategies with other traders, or
Spend countless hours reading trading book after trading book searching for the odd nugget of wisdom.

None of these options are particularly appealing, or efficient.

But there is one more option…

Use specialized software like Adaptrade Builder to come up with fresh new ideas for you!


What is Adaptrade Builder?

Adaptrade Builder is a revolutionary tool that can develop new and unique trading strategies using advanced genetic programming techniques, all in 3 simple steps:

Select the price data for your market (or markets)

2. Specify what the final strategy should look like

​​​​​​​3. Let the Adaptrade Builder do the rest – creating, testing and validating a diverse range of trading strategies before your very eyes, churning out idea after idea so fast humans can’t even compete (lucky we don’t have to!):

Adaptrade Builder will create strategies for:

• TradeStation
• Multicharts
• NinjaTrader 7
• MetaTrader 4
• AmiBroker

Simply copy and paste the code into your favorite trading platform and you can start trading.

You will also get 13 bonus strategies developed by Adaptrade Builder for indexes, commodities, forex, ETFs and stocks, from 3-minute to daily timeframes.

The regular price for Adaptrade Builder is $995. But you can have this ultimate idea-making machine with a $100 discount (10%), for just $895.

To get this discount, click the button below and use the TOMNDSC code during the checkout.

Download this manual with step-by-step instructions to be sure you get the 10% discount.

Or download a fully functional demo

If you want to try it out before purchasing, you can download the 14-day demo below, and apply the 10% discount when the 14-day demo expires.

And of course, you have a full 14-day money back guarantee, so if you’re not happy with this advanced strategy creation machine (for whatever reason), just ask for your money back.

The purchase includes a lifetime license for the program and free upgrades for one year from the date of purchase.

Powerful tools for powerful traders.
DISCLAIMER: Futures trading systems and commodity trading bear a high degree of risk. People can and do lose money. Hypothetical results have many inherent limitations. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

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